Once again I am celebrating alone, and at a timezone of my choosing. I was up late last night finishing a project, which was not either of the remaining UFOs, which will carry into 2022 unless I finish a mitten tonight. It's not likely. If I hadn't been able to visit family over the Christmas week, I might have gotten more knitting and such done, but I did and that was important. I hadn't seen some of them since Christmas of 2019, except for a couple of zoom calls, and it was good to be together.
I made a cheese soufflé for my parents and they loved it. I now have to make one every time I visit.
Final Resolution Update
Checking my list from the beginning of this year:
- One of three specific UFOs done, but progress made on the other two.
- Fourteen books read or finished.
- I decided that instead of the cardigan, I would make a pullover with the same yoke design from the yarn I'd planned for the cardigan. I might make the cardigan of different yarn some time in the future. I have not finished the pullover, but I finished the yoke and am on the body.
- I made another cheese soufflé, and it was delicious.
So not 100%, and I am OK with it. I had goals, and I made some of them, and I did other things. I kept track of the things I made this year, and if you could pairs of mittens or socks as a single thing, as of right now I have finished sixty-six items. That includes a pair of mittens that I knit, then partially unraveled and reworked into two other pairs. It does not include frogging a couple items and starting over. Most of the items went to charity; the last box of the year went out shortly before my local post office closed today. I have others waiting their opportunity, as I try to send a full box.
Maybe one of next year's resolutions will be to knit less for others and more for me. Find out tomorrow.
And In Addition
An unofficial resolution, because I didn't announce it, was to have at least one week where I hit all the milestones on my tracker: steps per hour, steps per day, minimum of 8K, daily meditation, etc. I wasn't sure I could do it, but I did it once, and came close other weeks.
Another was to Get Rid Of Stuff, and I totaled how many items I'd have to get rid of if I played The Minimalism Game every month. I thought it would be easier to restart each month than try to play it straight through for a year, as I doubted I'd have 365 items at the end of it. If you played every month starting with one item on the first day, the total is 5,738 items gone by the end of the year. I didn't count getting rid of things that I originally received when a local makerspace closed, or individual alligator clips or pens and such especially when I donated them to other organizations. I probably would have made it if I counted those individually instead of "box of". My official total of items gone is 3,639 which is both surprising and not a bad total. It includes the items I made for charity, but not the individual balls of yarn I used to make those items.
I completed a number of 5K virtual runs (usually walking), a few of which provided medals and other swag. I usually did them to contribute to a cause I support, or a friend supports, or to raise awareness of a charity. A friend of mine does them for the medals, and when I heard her mention this one I knew I had to participate:
As you can see from my bib numbers, the Wonder Woman option was by far the most popular. In fact, my friend said she did just that one. Being a lifelong DC fan, I couldn't resist doing the set, so received the bonus medal. The date on the bibs is the start date, and we had until yearend to complete them. I decided to do the 10K, as I've been known to walk 11-12K on a weekend, but decided that if I counted two 5K walks as the required 10K, it's just between me and my conscience.