02 October 2024

L'Shana Tovah 5785

As this New Year begins, many in Israel have been hiding in shelters because of bombs from Iran and Lebanon.  There are those who say it is just retribution for what is happening in Gaza.  They see only the reports of Palestinian civilian deaths, and ignore the events of October 7, 2023 that began the conflict, and the killings and other atrocities that have continued.  They see only the Palestinians, not the Israelis.

And if I ask people to consider the Jewish side of the conflict, I am called a Zionist and a colonialist and worse.  Threats.  It's becoming less easy to be visibly Jewish, yet I cannot hide because that is what these people want: to wipe us from the planet.  To force us into hiding as in the Inquisition and the Shoah.

As 5785 begins, I recommit to not hiding.  To speaking out.  To asking people to hear and see the other side.  To not allow the Jewish people to be wiped out of this planet.

May those who celebrate be written for a safe and healthy, a sweet and happy, year ahead.  L'Shana Tovah.

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