23 March 2023

Poetry, Libraries, and Shakespeare

Tuesday (March 21st) was World Poetry Day and I should have posted then, but didn't.  Don’t Go Into the Library is one of my favourite poems, for many reasons, and if you like you can hear the poet himself read it.  I worked on memorizing it to recite at an Other People's Poems event but never made it to one.

Then last night it was Shakespeare's Twelfth Night by Plague Mask Players.

As last season's MVP I was given the opportunity to cast the performers, and took the liberty to snag a one-line cameo as Olivia's Servant just to say I did the show.  I really planned to watch and see how people did.  Several told me they looked forward to playing the role I'd given them, and I deliberately gave one man the romantic lead because he'd mentioned wanting to do one.  I gave a woman another romantic role as she'd often filled villain roles last year.  Then I cast some who would be in scenes together to see how they would do, and the trios and quartets were hilarious!

Just before 'curtain', as the Zoom room was opening, the Stage Manager (who reads the Stage Directions, and had to sub in for Sebastian when that performer was delayed) asked if I would step into the role of Feste because the person cast had an emergency.  What does one do?  I said "sure" and panicked.  Quickly I started finding the lines in the script and looked at what I would need in terms of props.  I pulled on a polka-dot shirt for the role; I planned to wear a prim dark twinset for the servant, and luckily had enough of a gap in pages that the change would not be frantic.

Then I noticed that the role was supposed to sing, and in the voice I chose my range was limited.  Oh, well, I plunged in, watching the others perform when I knew I had several pages of quietude, and doing my last-moment best.  People gave me kudos, either being nice or because I managed to pull it off.

I guess I'll have to watch the video when it's uploaded, to see.  Also because I want to see the performances I missed while I was tracking to an entrance!

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