02 June 2024

Expanding the challenge

Last year, I told the Goodreads Reading Challenge that I would read a dozen books, and read eighteen.  This year, I decided to claim a dozen again, because overachieving is fun.  These are books on paper, not electronic or audio formats, because I like books on paper.

Sometime I go slowly because I read anthologies, which will have five full-length novels, but I count it as one book instead of five.  Then there are weeks like this one, when I read four books - but in fairness, they are fairly short, non-strenuous children's books:

A neighbor was offering the books to anybody who wanted them, as they were hers as a girl but her grandchildren did not want them.  I watched "The Mickey Mouse Club" in reruns when I was a child and thought these might be fun historical reads, so I took the books.  Then I saved them for the right time, and that turned out to be last week.

In quick order I read the four on the left.  I still have the other two to read, but am back into my Ellery Queen anthology, so it might be a while before I'm ready to pass these six to somebody else.

Recording those four means I am already at my goal of a dozen books for 2024, after only five months!  So I decided that instead of just overachieving, I would expand my 2024 goal to eighteen books.

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